Where did September go? Last post was the start of September, I turned around and it's already October. I finally got the rose of sharon's and the rest of the lilac bushes pruned... wow, I added a lot of room to my yard. And I have a thought on how I want to proceed with the back yard. No Grass!!! Instead I am going to put in a path that winds through the back area to the side of the house.. and then plant short and medium tall plants along that path and under the shrubs. Need to amend the soil and prep it this fall so it can be worked next year. The number of plants that it will take to fill this area will be big.. so it might take some time to afford the plants. But it will happen.
I have also decided that I need to amend and work the soil in the moon garden area... the plants in this area just do not thrive. Planted annuals and even they didn't do well... with consistent water and tending they just barely eked out this year. And if annuals don't even succeed then it's got to be the soil.. therefore, I am going to dig and amend the soil, fence the area to try keep the dogs out until I can get the plants well established to hopefully deter the dogs from trampling the soil and bigger plants once they are established.
Want to take some photos of the side garden and assess the progress, what worked and what did not. It looks great.. lots filled in from the plantings this spring. Watering consistently is still and issue for some of the plants that are in that area... trying to keep the plants to low water needs and sometimes I tweaked it alittle with the hopes that I can get something to grow in that area that probably doesn't have a chance. Hoping that once I get them established they will adapt to the area... some have and some have not. Just keep trying different things until it works.
Still have various big projects that I want to tackle this fall before it gets too cold, or nasty to work outside. It always takes longer and is more work then I envision when I start on a project... seems to be the way my projects work out.
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