Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September... End of summer?

Although September is the "end of summer"... there is so much happening in the garden yet. I still have a bunch of perennials to plant. And there are plenty of fall flowers coming into bloom. I stopped at the garden center today after work and had to force myself to stay away from the mums. I have quite a few mums in the flower bed. Need to plant more early summer bloomers. Thinking of more spring bulb and some poppies for next year. And need to put some in the front yard among the mums... so I have more plants blooming in the summer.

When I think back on all that I have done this summer I really got a lot done. Got rid of the garden shed. Pruned most of the shrubs and only have a few left to do. Rose of sharons are almost done blooming so they are next, the lilac bush, and the tree that is hanging over the veggie garden. I need to pick some of the peaches off the peach tree and prune. Branches are on the verge of snapping... need to shape the peach tree. It did a great crop of peaches this year... and they taste great. Thinking peach jam/butter.. yum.

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