Saturday, May 7, 2011

May 2011

Okay... no more wasting time... May is here. I have a driveway full of perennials waiting to go into the ground... Planted two roses today... Climbing Iceberg and replaced Precious Moment. (But as I was digging up the "dead" one.. I noticed a small leaf growth on the base... wonder if it survived after all or if that is a suckier coming up from below the greaft? I am going to replace it with the new one I bought and plant the other one somewhere in the yard and see what happens.

Talked to the neighbor lady.. Pat.. She told me that Doris the previous owner is coming to Denver sometime this summer... I hopw I can get a lot of work done in the yard and make it look somewhat awesome cause she wants to see the yard. I am looking forward to meeting her and talking with her... I think it will be fun to share my appreciation of all the work she put into the yard... I hope it's a positive meeting and she is not offended by some of the changes I have made in the yard. I know if I sold this house and came back and found olts of changes I might be a little put off. But thankful that the person kept up the work. Rather then let it go to hell. So I have some work to do cause I want to the yard to look fairly nice.

Posting pictures later in the week.

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