Monday, February 7, 2011

February 2011

January went by in a hurry. Cold and snow has finally come for Colorado. Earlier part of the winter it was dry and above average temperatures... some days highs in the 60's. Now we are finally in the midst of winter weather. Which is a good thing. I was getting ready to bring out the garden hose and water the trees and shrubs since it has been so dry. But now we are getting snow and too cold to water. Might need to water a little come warm up and early spring.

My commitment for this year, 2011, is to focus on creativity. To include; painting, drawing, colored pencil and ink, stained glass, mosaics, tiling, handmade paper, sewing, quilting, photography, scrapbooking/photo display, and whatever other creative projects come up as the year progresses. Whether these projects focus on the garden or the house, whether it is for practice, display, or to sell...  I want to create and explore self expression. I can and will be creative in my life. Expressing beauty and joy that surrounds me. Embracing the wonders of nature and the beauty of my world... and emphasizing that beauty by creating representations of that beauty and by bringing that beauty into my world, whether by capturing it in a picture or by planting it and making it grow.. my commitment is to embrace my life with beauty.

Already I have been working on the art table that is going to go in the backyard. And have several other plans for incorporating color and design in the backyard, independent of plants... allowing the plants to compliment and enhance the artwork.. yet in the winter, the art work can stand on its on... to bring color and shape into the garden in the "dead" of winter/ fall.  Color will surround me.. both indoors and out.. year round.

This is also the year that I will paint the house... and then add touches of art to the wall, my backyard wall is a big canvas of wall that is barren and without anything hanging on it... it is a wall, albiet an outside wall, it is bare and needs some art displayed.. to make the backyard a "room" of its own.

Looking forward to another great garden season.

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