Monday, February 1, 2010

February: Carry over list of projects

Weather was nice enough to get outside to putz around a little bit. Moved the river rock out of the SE corner... need to get some soil to put into that area. The river rock will go in the small stream that I am taking out.. but first I need to puncture some holes in the lining so that it no longer holds water. Didn't get much done in January because of the weather and now when it is nice enough to do some things outside.. I have no money... hopefully later this week or next week when I get paid I can pick up a few things so that I can keep the projects rolling. Want to get some lattice or wood for a trellis, paint it a sage green.. keep it on the light to white side. and then hang in the SE corner.

Next project is to focus on the East side of the garage.. lots of work in that corner and it's cool enough to do some digging, but is the ground still frozen? That would be the hold up for working on the dirt pile and sifting through the rocks.

But, it's already February.. so springs is closer.

Love and dirt, Kristi

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