Sunday, January 2, 2011

January 2011

I love January, cause it means its okay to start dreaming and planning for the new year in the garden without appearing like I am a total nuttso about gardening. I feel like I got quite a bit done last year. But fell short in a few areas. My big plans for this year is putting in a wooden deck outside the back door. And I am going to breakdown and pay someone to clear out the junk in the east yard. I chipped my way through a lot of stuff this summer, but I still have a lot of debris and garbage to clear out. I want to start getting the soil ready for fruit trees in that area of the yard. AND I want to plant the back yard this summer. Thoughts of grass is just not going to make it.. instead I want to put in a path that winds through the back yard and then plant plants. Groundcovers and flowers. Want to make sure and include plants that will cover the four seasons. I am excited. Need to put in a better watering system so that I can grow a productive veggie garden. Lots of plans and lots of work.
Suzie and I are hoping to start a garden business this spring. SOIL SISTERS. Would love to bring in some extra monies. Also plan to post more often on my garden blogging site. Love, Kristi